여자 / 34 년 / 암

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그녀가 온라인에있을 때

온라인에서 여자를 찾으십시오

매개 변수

이름BOSS_PUSSY (CynEp-nuCbka, ogurezzi)
언어영어, 러시아어
버스트 크기중간
엉덩이의 크기중간
고양이털 있음
헤어 컬러빨간머리
눈 색깔녹색

나에 대해

My attention can be attracted by actions, not words: compliments by tokens, orgasms in long private sessions and a respectful attitude


Моё внимание можно привлечь красивыми поступками, а не словами: комплиментами в виде чаевых, оргазмами в долгих приватах и уважительным отношением. Всё просто.

My attention can be attracted by beautiful actions, not words: compliments by tokens, orgasms in long private sessions and a respectful attitude. It's easily.

Naughty and sexy girl, blah-blah-blah, what else do you wanna know?


Долгие вибрации Domi между моих ножек и твоё поклонение своей Госпоже


Let me think...

Long vibrations of the Domi between my legs

Long vibrations of the Domi between my legs and your worship to Mistress

Долгие вибрации Domi между моих ножек

나는 싫다

Beggars of the soul are those who throw dust in women's eyes, buying any "status", but are misers and show-offs


Beggars, misers, dominant men and fake "slaves"

Beggars, who buying any "status", but are misers and show-offs

Such stupid members like a chatterboxes or cheaters

Жмоты, попрошайки, мужики-доминанты и фейковые "рабы"

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